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Flowers For You! Blossombs

Flowers For You! Blossombs

Regular price $18.99 USD
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Color your world with flowers, creating a feast for butterflies, bees and bumblebees. 

Throw the Blossombs outdoors, into your garden, onto a bare patch of land (avoid natural conservation areas) or place them in a pot or container. Give them plenty of water, be patient (flowering takes time) and before you know it, the bees and the butterflies can enjoy the beautiful flowers. 

Blossombs do not need covering but can be pressed lightly into the soil. 

Blossombs Seed Bombs are made of Clay Materials, Coir Dust, Organic Plantbased Nutrients, and Seeds. 

Mini: Pack includes 4 Blossombs Seed Bombs. 
Minimum number of seeds per package: 200.

Medium: Pack includes 9 Blossombs Seed Bombs.
Minimum number of seeds per package: 450.

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